I Love Warm Weather

12:23 PM

Ahh!! Beautiful! Today its 70 degrees...wonderful wonderful wonderful! Then I stepped oustide and BAM got blown by a gust of wind. Wind and clouds like to ruin my beuaitul warm weather. Especaially clouds, they like to crash my tanning parties. But today, despite the wind we all went to the park and had a picnic. I had fun playing with my siblings...and I realized, they all have my mom's beautiful olive skin. I was "Blessed" with my Dad's pink skin. Thats more like white. And burns so it's red. Oh joy. Even my little brother has tan skin, and WHITE hair. No fair!!! Although now he's trying to sing "All Around me" and it sounds like a cow with its foot stuck in the mud and blowing a whistle. Great joy. Soon I shall leave for rehersal and direct...directing is funnish...its fun when the people cooperate! Who knows, maybe if I give them another "AT THIS RATE WE'LL BE FINISHED IN SEPTEMBER, PEOPLE!!!" talk it'll sink in somewhat. Somwhat, that's my prayer... Acting is my main joy, though, I can do that anytime, I act for a living. I think just about everyone acts for a living. You pretend you're happy, although thanks to a certain person I'm genuinely happy and can't stop smiling...you pretend to be mad to make people feel sorry for you, admit it, we pretend a lot! But I like REAL acting, performing of just about any kind. I feel so alive...spotlights and microphones have some sort of magical effect on me. Singing, Guitar, Piano, Acting, Dancing, its my joy.

So...if you go look up lost in the crowd on facebook and become a fan I will love you forever. Wait, LIKE lost in the crowd, stupid people on facebook made it so you can't become a fan of anything anymore, you only like them, what the heck. Anyway, until later.

~Annie <3

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  1. hey! finally, a post. Me and Abby still have more updated blogs than you... mwahaha! jk.

  2. Yes you do...its just that mine are just so much more amazing that they take a little longer to write. ;)

  3. Sure... Two paragraphs are hugely long posts, eh?

  4. They aren't LONGER, they're just way more inspiring =)
