Baby, its cold outside!

9:17 PM

Its beginning to look a lot like winter!! Well, it was, until all the snow went away, and is gonna come back tomorrow, and then melt on Saturday, etc etc etc. I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this, but the weather here are like a PMSing teenage girls emotions, roller coaster, etc. It was really cold and cloudy today, but no snow…sometimes you wish It’d just snow so at least there’d be some reward (Sledding, snowball fights, etc) to the coldness.

Other than that, life is going pretty good. I mean, ever since my “family” of 9 moved, I feel pretty bored 80% of the time. Busy, but not EXCITED about life. Its kind of sad, but I know that this is just a season of well, loneliness in all honesty. I know that God is breaking past that’s going through, and turning this cold time of my life into a beautiful ice sculpture. It just takes a long time, long days of waiting.

I have been growing a LOT closer to my brother, however, and that has definitely been a plus! He really is incredible, and with my weekends not as busy of living at the Luman’s house, I have been able to spend a lot of time goofing around with him. I don’t know a lot of people, anyone really, who are as close as we are. We listen to Harry Potter on audio on car rides, go on walks after the rain, joke about things we used to do in California, make carmel corn and eat it while watching Perry Mason, etc. We had a blast at the Air Force Academy football game, and at Target shopping. Its nice having a brother you can have fun doing just about any random thing with, from watching James Bond to playing baseball in the backyard with your younger siblings.

Today was rather successful feeling, however you want to word that, go ahead, I don’t care. Church was good, refreshing. I have been feeling pretty awesome now that I’m pretty much off of sugar and dairy…I don’t get migranes or feel light headed, so I’m doing pretty awesome.  I was able to get some legit skinny jeans that don’t make me look like an idiot, and an aviator leather jacket at Target. AND (Theres more!!!) I started knitting again, I haven’t in 4 years. I am knitting (Drum roll, please) MULTICOLORED LEGWARMERS!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, thank you for the applause. Yes, I do realize how dorky they are, and YES, I still will make them and proudly wear them on cold winter nights. And as the rest of the state shivers uncontrollably, I will be nice and toasty wearing my pink-white-blue-purple, etc, knee high leg warmers. Now I’m gonna go laugh at myself for the 100th time.

Ok, so moving on…
Somehow I have this feeling that I should get my rear off the computer and finish my History reading that is supposed to be finished tomorrow morning…AND get some sleep for the next 5 days of school. :P

So, I’m trying to think what this post was about: Oh, its cold: problem. Dorky Legwarmers: Solution. Brothers=Awesome. Skinny Jeans=Awesome. Not dying from allergies=Awesome. And God will use my shadows to prove the sunshine!

So there it is 


“Sunshine, won't you be my mother
Sunshine, come and help me sing
My heart is darker than these oceans
My heart is frozen underneath

We are crooked souls trying to stay up straight,
Dry eyes in the pouring rain
The shadow proves the sunshine
The shadow proves the sunshine

Two scared little runaways
Hold fast to the break of day light were
The shadow proves the sunshine”

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